Tag Archives: Star Wars

Good movie!

Mitch with forkMAY THE FORK BE WITH YOU!
Just a while ago, in a galaxy just down the street, Luke Piewalker (aka Mitch Kohler) used the power of the fork (and a spear of broccoli, too) to battle the evil Darth Waiter and his Chocolate Dark Bar and Grill.

And you can be there for all the thrills, chills and, um, spills.

“Star Waiters,” an epic movie made ala Star Wars-style, will premier Saturday at the Egyptian Theatre.

It’s a dream come true for sixth-grader Mitch Kohler. Mitch, who has spinal muscular atrophy, a progressive muscular condition that affects his muscles and energy levels, is a huge Star Wars fan — and has always wanted to make movies. So the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the outfit that helps make wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions, stepped in. So did Riverstone School’s One Stone Club and several volunteer film pros and film students — not to mention Lucasfilm, Ltd. When the original creators of the Star Wars movies heard about Mitch’s project, they donated the real Star Wars music and sound effects to add to the production.

Cast of Star Waiters on location in Boisewood.

Cast of Star Waiters on location in Boisewood.

So look out — that hyperspeeding Millini-Yum Falcon will be cruising right over the Connector in this 35-minute space epic as it hits the big screen this weekend!

Easter-egg extras include a behind-the-scenes movie and, of course, all the stars and filmmakers will be attending. You’ll even get to meet moviestar/producer Mitch Kohler himself as he arrives for his trip down the Red Carpet at 6:15 p.m.

Moviestar/producer Mitch Kohler on the set of Star Waiters.

Moviestar/producer Mitch Kohler on the set of Star Waiters.

Get there early! This promises to be a four-popcorn-box movie you won’t want to miss! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be dancing in your seats!
And remember: May the fork always be with you.

WHAT: STAR WAITERS, the movie, filmed in BoiseWood, Idaho 

COST: Free. Donations will be accepted for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Coupon vouchers available at the event for parking.

For more information, please call 208-345-9474.